We're selecting 8 more entrepreneurs to help crush their Q4 2024 and 2025 goals.

Spots only open up when current members leave or when I have more capacity.

Apply now to check if we have the availability to help you.

Apply To The Vortex Mastermind

Vortex is a 12-month mastermind for entrepreneurs, coaches and creators committed to getting daily sales using strategic content, meta ads and proven automated funnels

Practical strategies that increases profits this Q4

  • How to scale digital products to make daily sales round the clock
  • How to achieve 15-20x ROAS by running Meta Ads even if you don't have a large budget
  • How to pre-sell and sell the first 10 spots of your high-end group coaching container
  • How to land premium 1:1 clients for private consulting and Done-for-you services
  • How to scale your high-ticket offers using automations and funnels to get consistent sales
  • How to grow a personal brand from scratch that builds your audiences, brand trust and attracts qualified leads

Build your edge in 2025

  • How to scale paid advertising (insights from spending over $100K+ in ads with 16x ROAS)
  • How to attract and retain high-ticket clients for your 1:1 and group container (learn from someone who has scaled to 12 Crores ($1M+) in sales)
  • Learn how to grow a trusted brand, high-ticket sales pipeline and daily sales mechanisms (from someone who has 3600+ customers)
  • Access Roota Mittal's latest content & branding insights from over 350,000 followers (...and counting).
  • Plus more...!

What you'll get inside the mastermind

  • Weekly coaching calls with Roota over the next 12 months
  • 4x events/year: 2-day zoom events every 90 days to discuss cutting edge strategies and plan your next quarter.
  • Personalized video feedback on your offer/ads/content/funnel
  • Fresh weekly trainings based on marketing experiments done by Roota
  • Million-dollar business trainings, resources, funnels, ads, emails, content templates and tech walkthroughs
  • Access to all digital products and courses launched by Roota
  • Get inspired by community members executing and sharing their data + wins
  • Get networking, accountability and collaboration opportunities you need to scale your business to $25K-$50K months

Apply below 👇

Send in your application below. Once your application is approved, the next step is a 30 minute 1:1 call with Roota to map out your profitable offers and if we're a fit, you'll be invited to join the mastermind. Send your application now to get priority.